Interesting facts

  1. The fear of spider s is called Arachnophobia.
  2. A spider ‘s web is made of silk. A spider ‘s silk is stronger than steel.
  3. Spiders come in all shapes and sizes, some are even as big as your computer screen!
  4. The biggest spider in the world eats birds and is called ‘The Goliath Bird-eater’.
  5. There are 40,000 different types of Spiders in the world
  6. Spiders are actually arachnids not insects. Arachnids have 8 legs whilst insects only have 6.
  7. Some spiders make webs to catch their dinner and some spiders run for their dinner.
  8. Spiders have a lot of babies. 100’s.
  9. Spiders lay their eggs in silk sacs and some spiders die afterwards.